Media Composer Chroma Key Demo

by WOCmultimedia

Video Players & Editors


ENGLISH VERSION NOT AVAILABLE !!!This is the free demo version of the Advanced Lesson.TIMELINE AND EFFECT CHROMA KEY only in Italian.In this demo, the video clip is limited to about a minute and a half. We invite you to purchase the Full Version where the video clip lasts 16 minutes with information guided step by step.After using the basic course it will be easy to follow this application that is dedicated to two new features of Media Composer 5.x:a) The adjustment of the effects directly on the timelineb) Using advanced chroma key effect.The chroma key effect of which is often speaks out of turn is an effect apparently simple to use but instead, is quite complicated to use when the subject is placed in front of a background is not homogeneous, or is very close to the background and, therefore, it takes unwanted reflections which complicate the assembly operations.Using the Chroma Key effect made available from Media Composer will see that there are a number of rich features that allow adjustments to correct the most of all the side effects, of course you have to arm yourself with patience and perseverance to achieve the desired result.This app guide is realized by World On Communications. Director and texts: Angelo GiammarresiDiscover the full basic course and our other products in this Marketplace and in our website.CONTACT and SUPPORTweb: www.wocmultimedia.comCopyright 2012 World On Communications